Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Did you miss us?

Between being sick and my computer having a virus I was unable to blog the last couple of weeks. Let me catch you up on what is happening around Children's ministries.

All of our Project Turkey items have been delivered all over the valley. Thank you for your contributions.

We have our sharing trees in the auditorium for those of you wanting to help others around our community. There are tags on the trees with "wish list" items listed for a child or a teen mom and her child. You can visit our sharing trees this Sunday if you are interested in making someones Christmas just a little brighter.

Mark your calendars. Our annual Christmas musical will be in place of our regular church service on December 14th. Bring your entire family(nursery available) to either the 9:00 or 10:30 service to watch a wonderful production directed by or own Denise Evans.


Dec. 3rd - a Christmas craft and store night

Dec. 10th - We will be watching A Charlie Brown Christmas. There will also be CAKE! We want to celebrate Jesus' birthday with you because Jesus is the real reason for the season. Parents please join us!

Dec. 17 - Dec31 - there will be NO club. Please join us again on Jan 7th.

I am so thankful for my preschool- kindergarten friends here at Moon Valley Bible Church. Thank you parents, for allowing our children's ministry staff the opportunity to lead your children. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 3, 2008

10 Rules

In class this week we learned that God gave the Israelites 10 rules (commandments). Moses read the rules to the Israelites. Review with your child, some of the rules you have in your home and why it is important to follow the rules. God wants us to follow His rules too. On Wednesday nights we are learning a song to help us remember the Ten Commandments. I hope your child will share this song with you.

The Perfect 10 song:
In a cloud of fire and smoke a mighty voice of thunder broke as God descended to the mountaintop. High upon Mt. Sinai, He gave the rules we should live by as God gave out the "shalts" and "thou shalt nots."

Number one, we've just begun, God should be first in your life.
Number two's the idol rule: Those graven images aren't nice.
Number three; God's Name should be never spoken in jest.
Number four, the Sabbath's for our worship and for rest.
Number five; we all should strive to honor father and mother.
Number six, don't get your kicks from killing one another.
Number seven, life is heaven when you're true to your mate.
Number eight, don't steal and break this rule for goodness sake!
Number nine, don't be the kind who goes around telling lies.
Number ten; don't covet when you see your neighbor's house or wife.

That's the list and God insists we stay away from these sins;
That is why we memorize commandments one through ten.

The perfect ten, the perfect ten; As perfect now as they were way back
then. God gave the perfect ten, the perfect ten, God gave the perfect 10.

Project Turkey has Started

MVBC Kids - College Groups Present Project Turkey
MVBC is working together to serve Christ and others by collecting food and money to make a total of 75 turkey baskets that will be delivered to those in need! You can help by either providing a tax-deductible donation (please mark checks in the memo Project Turkey), grocery gift certificate, or provide food items by Sunday, Nov. 23.

Project Turkey
75 Baskets to include:

Boxed stuffing, 2 each
Roasting pans
Mushroom soup, 2 each
Green beans, 2 each
French fried onions
Instant potatoes, 2 each
Gravy packets, 3 each
Cranberry sauce, 2 each
Canned yams, 2 each
Bag of tiny marshmallows
Brown ‘n Serve rolls, 2 each
Frozen pumpkin pies
Whipped cream tubs
Medium-sized boxes, 2 each