Monday, December 29, 2008

The year comes to an end

As the end of December gets closer so does the end of 2008. I hope you and your family reflect on the blessings you received this past year and gear up for what the Lord has for you in 2009.

This week in class we talked about the Wise Men who came to Worship the young Jesus.
They brought gifts to show that they loved Jesus. As we help our children to remember the gifts they received this Christmas remind them of the love that comes with the gifts. We also want our children to remember that a gift doesn't always have to be in a package wrapped up. A gift can come in many different ways. A meal from a friend, a free babysitter or someone to run an errand for us.
This weeks Bible verse: Luke 2:10-11 I am bringing you some good news...Today your Savior was born...He is Christ the Lord.
We hope you have a very happy New Year!

Halftime will meet again on January 7th. Hope to see you there!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

In class on Sunday we celebrated Jesus' birthday by making a craft, listening to the Christmas story and enjoying a Christmas cake. We will continue celebrating this Wednesday under the stars (indoors if there is rain) during our candlelight service. We hope you and your family will be able to join us . The service starts at 6pm so dress warm, bring a blanket and we'll provide the hot chocolate and cookies!

From our family to yours...

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Children's Christmas Musical

I would like to invite you all to our 4th annual Children's Christmas Musical, All I want For Christmas. The cast has been working very hard to make this musical a success. The performances are as follows:

Friday, Dec 12th- 7pm Sneak preview

Saturday, Dec. 13th- 3pm (Sharing Tree Party to follow)

Sunday, Dec. 14th- 9am and 10:30 am
We hope you will join us!

What's happening this week?


This Wednesday night we will be celebrating Jesus' birthday. Meet us in Big House for pizza, a movie (A Charlie Brown Christmas) and birthday cake! Parents, please join us this Wednesday as we celebrate the reason for the season!

There will be no Halftime club on Dec. 17th, 24th, or 31st.

Please join us on January 7, 2009 when Halftime returns.

Have a great week!