Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We love our teachers...

A big thank you to all our parent and teen volunteers who sat in on classes this past Sunday so that our teachers could all get together for a breakfast meeting. Thank you teachers for meeting with us! We love you!

Don't forget Wednesday is HALFTIME (Cubbies and Stars) at 6:15.
We re-named our groups this past year to reflect what actually happens. Just as in a game, the players meet at halftime to take a break, listen to the coach, learn how to improve the way they play and then give each other a bunch of high fives and run out to play the rest of the game. I like that word picture so much. Kids do need a time when thy can relax and play with their Christian friends and grow up in their faith. So what is the difference between Sunday and Wednesday? Sunday is filled with a Bible story, games, a memory verse and sometimes a craft. The difference is the amount of time that the adults can spend explaining how to live out what we learn. Wednesday the kids get into smaller groups and practice their memory verses together and have more time to talk with their leader (we also play some great games together). We use AWANA as our discipleship program and strongly encourage you as a parent to purchase your child a book. So, Sunday is hearing a Bible story, verse and doing things in a big group. Wednesday is about bringing the Word of God down deeper into our hearts.
We hope to see you there!

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