Thursday, January 7, 2010


Happy 2010! May your new year be a happy and healthy one.

With the New Year comes some changes at MVBC.

One change is that our preschool class is using a new video curriculum; Elevate Jr from Creative Pastors and Fellowship Church. For the next couple of months we will be learning about King David. I was able to teach last week, using the new curriculum, and I loved it. The kids seem to too. The video does a great job of getting the kids to interact with what is being taught.

Another new thing happening on our campus is TOT SPOT!
TOT SPOT is a community playgroup for parents and their babies-4year olds. We meets at MVBC on the second Thursday of each month 9 - 11 AM. The cost is $2 for children 6 months and older. TOT SPOT is a time of music, play centers, snack, and story time. Bring your friends and neighbors!

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